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SoftwareWedge TM

Input serial data from any instrument directly into any PC program!

Real Time Serial Data Acquisition Directly Into Any Windows Application!

SoftwareWedge inputs serial data (RS232, RS422, RS485) from any instrument directly into Excel, Access, statistical software, control applications, MMIs, LIMS, VB, etc.. any Windows, Windows 95, NT or DOS application.

  • Easily set up in minutes using a fully menu-driven configuration program. (A typical serial data collection application takes less than 15 minutes to set up.)
  • Collect data on any serial port (RS232, RS422 or RS485), even multiple serial ports!
  • Quickly debug serial communications with a powerful "analyze" feature.

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Read data from any instrument directly into any PC program!

With complete support for bi-directional I/O, you can even transmit prompts or commands out the serial port to control your instruments directly from within any PC application. Or you can define button-activated, hot key activated or timer-activated output strings to control your instruments directly from SoftwareWedge.

Two levels of the SoftwareWedge are available for both DOS and Windows. The "Standard Editions" of the Wedge are designed to work with most simple instruments including electronic balances, bar code readers, gages or other devices that generate very simple text data.

The "Professional Editions" of the Wedge are more advanced products with many additional benefits including the ability to parse and filter more complex data structures, such as reports of data. They are designed to interface a wider range of instruments including telephone systems, PLCs, pH meters, titrators, and other instruments that generate more complex data. The Pro versions also provide numerous advanced benefits to help simplify data collection.

Software Wedge Information in Adobe PDF Format:

Compatibility Requirements:
WinWedge and WinWedge Pro run under Windows 3.x, Windows 95 and NT and work with any Windows program. WinWedge 32 Pro is for Windows 95 and NT only and will work with any Windows program. DOSWedge runs on any DOS (v2.0+) PC, and will work with any DOS program.

Ease of Use
  • The Software Wedge is extremely easy to install and use. It comes with a fully menu driven, step-by-step configuration program, complete with on line help.

  • The entire configuration process can take only a few minutes with a clearly written user's manual to guide you through each step. Set-up examples are included. Unlimited Free technical support is provided to all registered users.


  • The Software Wedge is fully interrupt driven and extremely fast. Is completely reliable as all input is buffered and transferred only when your application is ready. Data is never lost or inaccurate. It does not slow down or interfere with the operation of your PC in any way.

Only Praise from Software Wedge Users...

"The Software Wedge is an excellent product and exactly the tool I needed. I am particularly pleased with its ease of use. I would absolutely recommend the Software Wedge for other laboratory data collection applications. It was a real godsend!"- Brian Jones, Physics Dept., Colorado State Univ

"Excellent software and tech. support." - Brian Mintz, VP, Mintek Corp. (Auto-ID Specialists)

"Slick Program! Perfectly suits our needs. More features than we'll probably ever use' - Dale Brucher-Cressman, Director, DigiSync Products, Research In Motion, Ltd.

"A brilliant concept, easy to use, well documented" - Terry Jones, Data Electronics Ltd.

"Great Program! Wish I'd thought of it" - J. Bartell, Senior EE, Cinema Products Corp.

If you would like more information or a flyer on any of the The Software Wedge Products, simply fill out our Information Request Form.



February 17, 2012 - 19:18:56