(SoftwareWedge for Windows)
eliminates the need for manual data entry of instrument data
into Windows application programs. WinWedge v1.2 is designed
to work with simple ASCII output devices such as bar code and
mag stripe readers, electronic scales, calipers and gages or
any device that transmits simple text data.(For other
instruments see WinWedge Pro).
of WinWedge v1.2 (Standard Edition) are listed below. WinWedge
Pro and WinWedge 32 Pro support all these features plus the
additional features listed under WinWedge Pro
- Extremely easy to
use menu-driven set-up. Can be configured for
most standard serial devices and applications in a few
minutes! Programming not required.
- Supports all com
ports available under Windows 3.x. May be
installed on COM 1 thru COM 9 to collect data from serial
instruments on up to 9 serial ports simultaneously.
- Keystroke Macro
Insertion. Add additional keystrokes or keystroke
macros before, after or within your serial input data.
Keystroke macros allow you to control where and how serial
data appears in the target application program in Keystroke
- Automatic Date/Time
Stamping of your serial data.
- Transfer Data as
Keystrokes or via DDE items to any Windows application.
- Up to 20 button
Controllable Output Strings
- Data Parsing
Capabilities allow the user to split incoming
data into fields. Input only the data you need and ignor
the rest. The Standard Version (v1.2) only supports
parsing and filtering of very simple data structures such
as single field data records, comma delimited data or
fixed length data records. The Pro versions support
parsing and filtering of any serial data.
- A powerful Serial
Data Analyzer allows you to preview serial data
and debug all serial communications.
- Automatic Data
Acknowledgement feature sends a command or
acknowledgement string back to the serial device after
each data record has been received.
- Full Support of Dynamic Data
- Timed Automatic
Prompting. WinWedge can automatically transmit
commands and prompts to your serial devices at regular
timed intervals. This is popular for requesting regular
data from instruments.
- Data Filtering
Capabilities let you selectively filter out
non-numeric characters from any field in your input data
or ignor specific field all together.
- Selectable
Communications Parameters. 110-19,200 baud (the
Pro version to 56,000 baud): 5,6,7 or 8 data bits: EVEN,
ODD, MARK, SPACE or NO parity. Supports full hardware and
software Flow Control. Selectable input and output buffer
sizes from 128 bytes to 32K.
- Pre-Transfer
Translation Tables. Translate incoming ASCII
characters to specific PC keystrokes or keystoke
combinations (Keystroke Mode) or other ACSII
characters (DDE Mode).
- FREE - DDE Command
Tester LinkTest