Technical Tips |
Always remember
to press the Reset Switch when changing the battery on your Fowler/Sylvac
caliper. It is located under a small rubber cap near the thumb lock
screw. Just hit it with a paper clip, and it will "reset"
the caliper display to factory default.
Have a "older"
Fowler Ultradigit I or II indicator? Do you require PRESET (a feature
not implemented until later generations)? Just
spin the dial clockwise until the display shows the required value.
By setting ZERO at the right spot during rotation, you can PRESET
whatever value is required.
Bulk purchase
batteries for your Fowler Digital Instruments at a warehouse club
and save money. Most of the batteries for Fowler handheld digital
instruments are either a CR 2032 (wafer style) or SR44 (button style).
keyboard lock your D-100/D-100S digital display unit? By holding
down the Enter Key while switching the unit on, you can clear the
keyboard lockout feature. Be careful not to hold down the Clear
Key, as you will loose the channel settings!
Did you know
that the Opto-232 cables now come with the mini GageWedge software
that allows direct input into any Windows 95/98/NT program? It only
works with one Opto-232 gages, so for other instruments or more
sohisticated data entry functions, you should still use the Software
Wedge program.
Many people
make their own special probes for our height gages such as the V+
Series or Z_Cal. The only trick is to keep the probe close to the
same weight as the standard ones, so as not to upset the counterbalance
or overly increase or decrease the measuring pressure. Try it for
those tough, hard to get places on your parts...