Catalog Reference NotesBench
Centers and Indexing Devices
Heavy Duty Bench
Center Bed (NO. 9209)
Instrument Bench Centers (NO.9203)
Intermediate Bench
Centers (NO. 9204)
Standard Bench
Centers (NO. 9205 Series) & Accessories
Angle Setting and Checking Equipment
How To Set Up
Sine Angle Equipment
Sine Angle Magnetic Chucks (NO. 8866 Series)
Sine Angle Plates (NO. 9123-24 & 9228-29 Series)
Sine Block Taper Testing Fixtures (NO. 9122 Series)
Sine Blocks (NO.
9118 Series)
Angle Irons
Box Angle Irons
(NO. 9166-6)
Duplex Angle Irons (NO. 9181 Series)
Magnetic Angle Iron (NO. 9195)
Measuring Irons (NO. 9201-02 Series)
Pallet Irons (NO. 9183 Series)
Slotted Angle Irons (NO. 9185 Series)
Toolmaker's Knee (NO. 9180)
Universal Angle Irons (NO. 9191-94 Series)

Parallels and V-Blocks
Box Parallels (NO.
9160 Series)
Magnetic Parallels (NO. 9805 Series)
Magnetic V-Blocks (NO. 9806-1)
Planer and Boring Mill Parallels (NO. 9165 Series)
Tri-Blocks (1" x 2" x 3") (NO. 9151 Series)
Steel Parallels (NO. 9150 Series)
Universal V-Blocks (NO. 9131)
V-Blocks (NO. 9128-30 Series)
V-Blocks (NO. 9132)
V-Blocks (NO.
Surface Plates, Squares and Leveling
3-Axis Reference
Square (NO. 9314 Series)
Comparator Square (NO. 9146)
Cylindrical Squares (NO. 9141 & 9143 Series)
Leveling Straight
Edges (NO. 9168 Series)
Steel Straight Edges (NO. 9169 Series)