| |
Thread Plug Gages |
Cylindrical Gages & Master Discs |
Tri-Rolls & Thread Comparators |
Master Ring
Gages |
Thread Ring Gages |
Plain Plug
and Ring Gages |
Pin Gage Sets
and Replacements |
Calibrated |
We Offer Ring Gages, Plug Gages, Pin Gages,
Fast Delivery For ACME
Gauges, Cylindrical Gages, Setting Rings, Class ZZ Pin Gages
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Glastonbury Southern Gage was formed in 1995 when two of the largest
and oldest gage companies, Glastonbury Gage and Southern Gage, were united under
one owner. Glastonbury Gage was founded in 1964 in Glastonbury, CT by
individuals who had trained at Pratt Whitney Machine. From these beginnings,
Glastonbury Gage has continually increased its product offering and services.
Southern Gage was founded in 1955 in Erin, TN as an outgrowth of the Woodward
Company. It grew to be a full service gage manufacturer with emphasis on thread
gaging. During the 1980’s Southern Gage became known for its educational and
training programs on thread form and gaging. In 1995, the owner of Glastonbury
Gage purchased Southern Gage from ITW.
In March 1999, Southern Gage occupied its new 42,000 square foot state of the art
manufacturing facility. It includes 5,000 square feet of laboratory space,
temperature and humidity control for the entire plant, CNC thread grinding
equipment and a streamlined process work flow.
Today, GSG has the broadest product line in its market and is known as a
quality leader. We intend to build on this platform to offer our customers
quality products and services at competitive prices.