Thread Plug Gages |
Cylindrical Gages & Master Discs |
Tri-Rolls & Thread Comparators |
Master Ring
Gages |
Thread Ring Gages |
Plain Plug
and Ring Gages |
Pin Gage Sets
and Replacements |
Calibrated |
We Offer Ring Gages, Plug Gages, Pin Gages,
Fast Delivery For ACME
Gauges, Cylindrical Gages, Setting Rings, Class ZZ Pin Gages
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Dia-Lectron Amplifier |
Dia-Met Comparator |


Dia-Met / Dia-Lectron Comparator System |
Angle Gage Head and Cartridge Gage Head |
The economical solution to close tolerance measurements, the Dia-Met offers real versatility. In precision machining the machinist can perform
measurements at his own work station saving valuable production time. In
quality applications, final inspection efficiency is increased due to the ease
and speed of use.