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Download the release notes for the QC-4000 version 1.97 (556K), posted 12.6.99.
For your convenience, the QC-4000 version 1.97 software update can be downloaded two different ways. To prevent damaging existing files, please follow the printable installation instructions for your preferred method of download. For additional help, contact software@metronics.com.
We can send you diskette versions of any of these files by mail. Send your postal address to sales@metronics.com and we'll get them right out to you.
Single file For QC-4000 systems with a connection to the internet, or if large capacity removable media (Zip drive, CD/R, etc.) will be used to transfer these files to the QC-4000, we suggest downloading the single file (4.86MB). To install the update:
1. Create a new directory, "C:\qc4000 1.97 update," on the drive of the QC-4000 system.
2. Copy "4k197all.zip" into the new directory.
3. Unzip the file.
4. Run "Setup.exe," and follow the on-screen instructions.
Segmented files For QC-4000 systems without an internet connection, or when large capacity removable media are not available, you may download segmented files onto four high-density floppy disks. To begin, create a new directory, "C:\qc4000 1.97 update," and download each of the four .zip files into this directory.
Disk 1 (1,061K)
Disk 2 (1,374K)
Disk 3 (1,296K)
Disk 4 (1,017K)
Once you have downloaded the four segments:
1. Unzip each segment.
2. Copy each unzipped file onto a separate floppy disk.
3. Create a new directory "C:\qc4000 1.97 update" on the hard drive of the QC-4000 system.
4. Copy the contents of each floppy disk into the new directory.
5. Run "Setup.exe," and follow the on-screen instructions.
QC-4000 patch Download the QC-4000 version 1.97 patch 1 (787K), posted 1.27.00.
If you are downloading the patch on the QC-4000 system, follow the installation instructions for the single file download. Otherwise, follow the instructions for segmented files.
QC-4000 video driver Posted 1.29.98. Download the 544K file now.
If you are downloading the video driver on the QC-4000 system, follow the installation instructions for the single file download. Otherwise, follow the instructions for segmented files.
QC-4000 version 1.71 for VED 1 The 2.66MB file is for QC-4000 systems with a connection to the internet, or for when large capacity removable media (Zip drive, CD/R, etc.) will be used to transfer these files to the QC-4000. (We can also send you a diskette version by mail. Please send your postal address to sales@metronics.com and we'll get them right out to you.) To install the update:
1. Create a new directory, "C:\qc4000 VED 1 update," on the drive of the QC-4000 system.
2. Copy "qc_171.zip" into the new directory.
3. Unzip the file.
4. Run "Setup.exe," and follow the on-screen instructions.
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