Thread Plug Gages |
Cylindrical Gages & Master Discs |
Tri-Rolls & Thread Comparators |
Master Ring
Gages |
Thread Ring Gages |
Plain Plug
and Ring Gages |
Pin Gage Sets
and Replacements |
Calibrated |
We Offer Ring Gages, Plug Gages, Pin Gages,
Fast Delivery For ACME
Gauges, Cylindrical Gages, Setting Rings, Class ZZ Pin Gages
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The Southern adjustable thread ring gage features the Automatic Helix
Adjustment. The gage starts round and stays round through all
adjustments. Thread flanks stay in alignment through the entire adjustment
of the gage. Simple and sure adjustments will stand up under severe shop
use. Aluminum gage bodies anodized green for GO and red for NO GO provide
quick positive identification. All thread inserts are made of an oil
hardening tool steel. Class and tolerances conform to ANSI B1.2 & ANSI
B1.16M Gage Standard and/or H28 Handbook.